Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is the Stuff

We live in a got to have it now society. I spent the past two semesters writing discussion boards comparing today's times with how it was in the 1800s and early 1900s. About a month ago, a nice Sunday afternoon opened up some reality. I was sitting in a LONG line at Kroger waiting for gas when the man in front of me was getting aggravated with the tennant for making sure everyone was getting their appropriate turn and keeping order to the chaos. I will admit, I had feelings of frustration rise up in me as well.

I still have these feelings every day when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere and I always seem to hit every red light or get behind a Sunday driver on a Wednesday or a person who takes 40 items into a 20 item check-out.

Just the other day I had finally learned to crochet. I was so happy. My mom had given me a crochet needle kit two or three years ago and I had no use for it; however, had always wanted to learn. I finally learned and came home the next day and wanted to continue on my practice skills. Now I can not find that kit anywhere and am not sure if I gave it away or what.

I was driving one day and heard the following song and it wraps up all these little things. The many frustrations I deal with on a daily basis at work and with myself personally. This song makes me happy and helps me refocus where I should be. It's called "This is the Stuff" by female artist Francesca Battistelli. God really does use these things. Today, I was waiting in a gas line at Kroger again and as I was getting frustrated, this song came on and so I started simply enjoying the fresh air and turned the music up a bit.

When I got out of my car to pump gas, the guy in front of me apologized for taking so long. He had no need to apologize, he was actually being nice to me in the action he was apologizing for. I made sure to tell him he was fine and thank you. God uses these frustrations. I love this song - how true it is.

"This is the Stuff"

I lost my keys in the great unknown
And call me please 'Cuz I can't find my phone

This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

45 in a 35
Sirens and fines while I'm running behind


This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use
<a style="text-decoration: none;" href="" title="Francesca Battistelli lyrics">         </a>        
So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world

Oh Oh Oh

This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff
Someone save me
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
And I've gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use

Oh Oh Oh Oh
This is the stuff You use

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting More Work Done at The Office

Something to start the week off with. I found and listened to this on a friend's blog. This is a great video with good ideas on how to get more things accomplished at the office. Some good advice for managers to heed to - possibly.

(I know it's a sidebar from regular topics - however, I'll have those on occasion, since this does encompass my entire journey)

I Can Feel You God

At first, I was tempted to title this post SUNDAY in all caps; however, what I am experiencing is not simply wrapped into one day. Today just happened to be extra momentus. Todd said it from the stage this morning when he stated "I can feel You, God". This has been true all week

I have felt God with me at some point in my daily walk every day this week. As I posted yesterday, I heard His voice as He instilled His word to me throughout the week. I'm extremely happy to be able to feel Him and hear Him, to not be turned off to Him.

This morning, as I drove to Blue Ridge to worship God, I knew the songs that I would be singing; and was excited for them. God, though He was with me the entire ride to Blue Ridge, was ever present during worship. I was filled with in a way to which I'm not sure how to communicate. Whilst singing "Forever Reign", I felt a need, want, desire, energy and so much more to do more than simply lift my hands and worship God. I could feel God. He was ever present in that room. It was an amazing morning. The words truly rang out with meaning in the song when it came time to sing "I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms. The riches of Your love will always be enough. Nothing compares to Your embrace. Light of the world, forever reign." I wanted nothing more than to run to God.

So, after that song, came the thought of - SUNDAY, but then came the words that I agreed with "I can feel You God".

I usually check out after the worship, but this morning, I really wanted to stay focused. It's hard for me. On this open journey, I feel God has lots for me to learn, so I asked God to help me not check out - and it was the beginning of a great Sunday as I listened and learned what He had to teach me through His word today.

Today - my cup runneth over.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Everywhere I Walk

"Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."
~James 4:17 (NASB)

God amazes me. He speaks in the biggest and smallest ways. I was encouraged and inspired by a friend's blog this past week who is currently in the mission field for the entire year of 2011. She blogged about heaven on earth. I truly was inspired by her blog and agreed with it one hundred percent; however, God wanted to instill as well as prove what I had read in my friend's blog - that His written word was not simply for a time hundreds of years ago; however, written very much for today as well.

I work in a challenging place. There is not a great care for ground maintenance. When I speak of ground maintenance, I simply mean - littering. It's easy to walk and see pieces of trash in the halls or on the pavement. This past week, I have clearly witnessed a Pepsi bottle not making it in a trash can and staying on the ground, a granola bar half eaten tossed and left in the hall amongst a few other things. It hit me with the Pepsi bottle that I should pick it up; however, I admit, I did not - it stayed on the ground. Midweek, I kept getting a burden for everything I saw and passed.

Thursday, I saw a red candy wrapper in the hall as I exited my building. I passed it once and even twice. Each time I passed it, a little voice nudged me - you need to pick it up. There was the humanistic nature in me (sin) saying - no, that's gross and filled with germs. The third time I was to pass it, I had enough and James 4:17 kept coming to me. I picked up the candy wrapper. The remaining Thursday and Friday I kept seeing more and more litter. Friday, I saw whole pieces of paper outside of my office building, to which I picked up one piece.

Yes, I have passed up a few things this week knowing I should have done something about it; therefore, I have sinned. And, James 4:17 has really resonated with me. It has spoken to me in huge ways that no matter how big or small the occasion, if I know I am to do something, I need to go forth with it because God commanded me to. Picking up litter, no matter how gross is what God has commanded and by doing so, someone could possibly see Jesus through and in me.

It's my desire and prayer in this open journey to heed more to James 4:17 where I work, even in the litter tasks that interrupt the daily rounds so that I may impact even one life for Jesus by living His example.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Photo Editing

Photo editing takes a lot of time! I took over two hundred pictures at my father's wedding and I'm not a photographer; therefore, I did not get all the key shots. I started working on some edits today and worked for over a couple of hours. I only got through maybe twenty of those pictures. This is going to take some time. WOW!

Who Are You?

Sundays tend to be great days for me. I find myself pulled at times because the times I want to have my hands raised in the air to Jesus are the same times I need to have them on the mouse and keyboard in order for the words to remain correct on the screen for all to sing along.

This past Sunday was nothing less than extraordinary as our wonderful vocal team and band served God to the fullest and led with three amazing songs praising God. The last one leading into the morning was new for us and has not left my mind nor soul since yesterday: "This is Our God" by Hillsong.

The song that ended the morning was a special written by our Program Director and sung by his wife. It's a song filled with questions, everyday questions that I believe (I say it because I've asked these) any follower of Jesus has been down this path and asked these questions in their journey. The link to the video from Sunday on facebook is below. It's a must listen to. I still listen to it over and over again.

Who Are You?

What I tend to like even better than Sundays is Thursday nights. I enjoy worshiping through song; therefore, with media, I get to be even more a part of that. Thursday nights allow me to be at band practice to set up for Sunday mornings. Therefore, I get to worship with the band in preparation for Sunday mornings. I love these times. It's wonderful and I am so grateful I get to serve God this way.

The Tension is Good

I started my decluttering process and came across a wonderful Amena Brown poem that rocked most of my 2010:

"The Tension is Good"

We don't lead from
the safety of the fringe,
We take up residence
in the fray.

Where change is happening,
Where change is necessary.

There we find ourselves
in a unique tug-of-war
between what was,
what is, and what could be.

We are faced with
the reality that we are
the catalyst in the moment.

A tension ensues between
our ambitions and fears.

We are tempted
to bail on our goals
but discover
that under pressure
our vision becomes
remarkably crystallized.

A hundred voices
attempt to sway us
and we find we must
lean into God with
a faith deeper than we
have ever known.

Change happens
in the very place
where many leaders
flinch, fear, and fail.

The tension we resist
is actually by design.
It tests us, it tries us,
It conforms us to His image.

The tension is necessary,
The tension makes us strong,
The tension is good.

~Amena Brown